Hi-Storia is a project on the enhancement of cultural heritage, innovative teaching, social inclusion and co-design. The urgency of climate change and the possibility of working daily in close contact with students, leads us to work increasingly on the issues of the circular economy.
What we do
We act both at the product level and at the process level
Distributed production: following the principles of the project Fab.city, we scaling the FabLab approach to a local level, with educational institutions at the centre of co-design processes. This allows an efficient and shared use of local resources, in a circular economy approach.
New materials: from 2018, we are experimenting with the use of alternative materials to plastic for the production of tactile audioguide. We use materials linked to local productions, such as hemp or clay. Furthermore, we work with polymers with a low percentage of plastic; for example, filaments based on stone materials that return tactile sensations close to the original materials of the monuments.
Circular economy at school : We have the privilege of working with thousands of students each year, with a generation extremely sensitive to environmental protection. We have the opportunity to raise awareness and stimulate the imagination of students of all ages, to develop a culture that promotes sustainable local production.